Where did I volunteer?
“WeCan is a group where
women come to uplift, inspire, and enlighten one another. Cofounded by Martina
McBride and Emily Hayford, our mission is to
help survivors of sexual trauma recognize that they are not alone and that is
hope for healing through sharing our experience with each other.
WeCan aims to be a safe place where we can share our stories
and remind each other of our worth, no matter what stage of life we find
ourselves in.”
role does this community partner play in our society?
¨Services provided?
¤Monthly workshops,
blog articles, private Facebook group; an all around
safe place
¨Social problems addressed?
¤Women’s issues:
nNot just giving women
focus on international Women’s Day, but instead year round.
nDiscuss topics that
might be a little taboo
nEmpowerment and
¨Who is served?
¤Women- not just in
the Salt Lake area where the workshops are held because of the Facebook group there is a
larger outreach
¨Great experience!
¤New friends
¤Now part of an
amazing group
¤Invited to Write a
blog article for November
¤Helping organize a
service project for December
¤Learned from
experienced, talented, educated women
¤Bracelet kits for
women in third world countries
¨Norms that are broken:
¤Some topics are
“taboo” or considered weird or awkward to talk about
¤That you have to be
an “artist” to express yourself in artistic ways
¤Women with different
backgrounds or skills coming together to share knowledge and to empower
¨Wave a magic wand:
¤Have a sponsor, help
with costs
¤Have two or more
group meetings a month:
nWorkshop, service,
and outdoor/ physical activity
¤Help it grow to
accommodate larger groups at a time attending monthly workshops
¤Spread the word
¤Contact other women’s
organizations in the community and come together